Italian immigration at the turn of the century with the Gange family

by Sharon Kennedy

Editor’s Note: The following is the first in a series of oral histories supported by a grant from the Medford Arts Council.

In 1892, Anthony and Anita D’Antonio’s maternal great-grandfather, Antonio Gange, left the city of Caltanissetta in Sicily with his wife, Mary Rosina Zito, and several children, to settle in Pennsylvania. He probably worked in the coal or sulphur mines there, but soon moved to the North End of Boston.

His son, Adolfo, was 5 years old when the family left Sicily and eventually, the Ganges had seven children, three born in Sicily and four born in the USA.

Antonio had worked in the sulphur mines in Sicily and the job he was leaving was one of the worst in the world. The city of Caltanissetta is in the province of the same name where many of these mines were located. The jobs in the mines and the working conditions were grim.

Booker T. Washington, born in slavery in the U.S., decided to tour Europe in 1910 to acquaint himself with the conditions of the poor and working classes there. He wrote, “A sulphur mine in Sicily is about the nearest thing to hell that I expect to see in this life.”

He reported that the cruelty shown to young boys (who entered a kind of indentured servitude beginning as young as 5 years old) was “as bad as anything that was ever reported of the cruelties of Negro slavery.” He described how the boys were beaten and “singed with lanterns” to “wring from their bodies the last strength they had in them.”

At that time 97 percent of all the sulpher in the world was from Sicily. Many Sicilians continued to work in these terrible conditions until at least World War II, but in the early 1900’s another method was developed for extracting sulphur as a by-product from crude oil.

At this point, Sicily lost its monopoly and there was a mass exodus to the United States. In the year 1906, for example, over 100,000 Sicilians emigrated. The numbers in these years would have been even larger except for the U.S. immigration quotas for southern Europeans.

So Antonio Gange’s family was a few years ahead of this trend. But he did not escape the disease that often came with the kind of work he had done. Many people who work in sulphur mines develop lung diseases including silicosis. In the Gange’s family it was known that Antonio came to the U.S. suffering from some kind of lung disease. He didn’t talk about it much and it did not seem to impede his progress here.

Antonio and his growing family lived briefly in Pennsylvania and then in the North End. Adolfo used to tell his children about “chasing the Irish boys back over the bridge to Charlestown” after they had come for a dance in the North End.

Then the family went to live in Woburn in a big house with a very large lot of land. They farmed the land, grew all kinds of vegetables, tended the fruit trees, made wine from their grapes, and ran a profitable farm stand.

Antonio Gange was not renting, as might be more typical of a new immigrant to this country. Somehow he bought this house and land in Woburn. Anita D’Antonio is quite sure of this and she remembers visiting the large plot as a child and catching fireflies. She also remembers her mother telling her that when it came time for lunch, her father did not want to be disturbed by customers at his farm stand. “It was time to nourish the body without distraction!”

How did they manage to end up in such a good situation? And where did they get enough money to buy the house? The clues may lie in Woburn because Anthony D’Antonio says there were multiple families of Ganges there and also people who spelled their name Gangi. In fact, at a place called the Crestview on Montvale Avenue, the Gange family’s coat of arms is still on the door.

Since we need to make our way to Medford, I’ll leave that research to the D’Antonio family and just tell a couple of more stories about the Gange family in Woburn.

The 5-year-old, Adolfo, who had come with his family from Caltanissetta, was now an American. He did not have to work in the sulphur mines as a child or as an adult, and his fate was completely changed. Anthony and Anita’s grandfather would be able to achieve the American dream. But first there was the tannery!

Learning about the history of the Gange family leads to an understanding of the types of industrial jobs available to people in Sicily and in Woburn, Mass. during this time period. Adolfo, once he was about 12 or 13, began working in a tannery in Woburn. He probably had to wait until he was 14 to work at a full-time job since that was the legal working age at the time, but many “part time, helping- out jobs” often escaped attention.

By about 1860, for comparison, there were 275 sulphur mines in Caltanissetta employing 32,000 workers. In Woburn, by the 1860’s, leather tanning started to be an important enterprise and soon Woburn would be famous for this industry. By 1882, 26 large tanneries employed 1,500 people. By about 1895, Adolfo was working in one of them.

Soon after he started working there, instead of using benign vegetable tannins, the companies began using chromium salts. Hides were pickled in an acid and salt mixture and then soaked in a chromium-sulphate solution.

Sulphate! Luckily for Adolfo Gange he didn’t work in the tanneries too long. Workers who did developed respiratory diseases such as lung and nasal cancers. Many of the compounds were also carcinogenic.

Soon a move from Woburn to South Medford combined with Adolfo’s entrepreneurial ability saved him from developing a similar disease to his father’s.

But not before he incurred his mother’s wrath by becoming a boxer!

It so happened that there was a Friday night tradition at the tanneries in Woburn at this time. Every Friday in good weather there would be a boxing match outdoors on the premises. Adolfo Gange loved this sport and became a very good boxer. So good that he decided to continue it outside the tannery grounds as a semi-pro. But first he needed a new name.

Since Italians were experiencing tremendous prejudice in the United States in the early 20th century, many of them assumed Irish names when they became boxers. At that time, the ruling elite of this country were calling Italians “biologically incapable” and a “burden on America.” Immigration quotas singled out Italians as “undesirable” and “inferior.”

In some parts of the U.S. such as the deep South, Italians were not considered to be white. Three years after Adolfo and his family emigrated, in 1891, 11 Sicilians were lynched in New Orleans. It remains the largest mass lynching ever documented in the United States.

In Boston, Sicilians were not being lynched. However, working class Irish-Americans felt that Italians were taking their jobs and agreeing to work for lower pay and longer hours. In the Irish-controlled Catholic church, Italians were sometimes forced to worship at the back or even in the basement of the building.

All of these prejudices also carried over into the world of sports. Boxing was the second most popular sport at this time in the U. S. The Irish had a stronghold on it and predominantly Irish crowds came to the fights. If any boxer had an Italian name the crowd would boo and jeer.

Boxing promoters suggested to Italian fighters that they change their names. Andrew Chiariglione became “Fireman Jim Flynn.” Tony Caponi became “T. C. O’Brien.” And Johnny Dundee, world lightweight champion 1921-23, was, in fact, Giuseppe Carrara.

One reporter referred to “The Invisible Italian-American boxers” because up until the 1920’s it looked as though hardly anyone Italian ever went into the sport. In fact, they did! More than 1,000 Italian professional boxers used Irish pseudonyms.

So when Adolfo Gange started boxing outside of the Tannery yard, he took the name of “Sandy Malone.” He did well boxing, winning a number of fights, but his mother didn’t like it. She wanted her son to quit the sport and focus on other, more meaningful activities, such as looking for a better job. One time, she hid his boxing gloves in the oven so he couldn’t find them in time for a match.

Another time she was so upset about his boxing that she threw a “scolapasta” at him. The scolapasta, a collander, left a small scar on the back of his head near his ear to always remind him of his mother’s disapproval.

Another time, Adolfo Gange/Sandy Malone came home very proudly after winning a Bible in a fight. His mother apparently accepted this as a positive thing. But when Adolfo got married and showed the Bible to his wife, she took it to the priest who said it wasn’t a Catholic Bible and she threw it out.

But the tannery and boxing did not claim Adolfo Gange for long. Just as his father was able to get himself up and out of Sicily and the sulphur mines, Adolfo moved on to Medford and to more profitable and less toxic work.

“He was here by 1912,” say Anita and Anthony D’Antonio. “And he had an entrepreneurial spirit. We can’t tell you much about his candy factory, but that was the first business he opened. It may have been in Ball Square in Somerville or it may have been in the North End.”

Adolfo was married by the time he opened the candy factory. His wife was Angelina Abbadessa from Palermo, the capitol of Sicily. Soon they would have three girls and a boy, including Anthony and Anita’s mother, Eleanor. Over the years, they owned several different houses in South Medford: on Winchester, Princeton, Yale, and Main streets.

“What we can tell you about the candy factory is that he employed his aunts and that they made chocolates with cream fillings. They also made barley lollipops (using barley sugar) and nougatines.”

“My mother said that she loved to smell her father’s hands when he came home from work because they smelled of chocolate,” says Anita.

So one of the changes that came from immigration was in the area of aromas. Imagine the difference between smelling of chocolate versus smelling of sulpher after a day of work!

Adolfo’s candy factory was short lived because his partner was not trustworthy and he absconded with a sizeable amount of money. But Adolfo, by this time, had also opened a real estate office in Ball Square, Somerville. He found a special niche serving the immigrant Italian community since he could talk to them in Italian about renting or buying property.

Eventually he moved that business to Main Street in Medford and combined it with an insurance business. A. Gange and Sons (which included his son, Anthony, also known as “Buddy” and his two sons) had three different locations on Main Street over the years. The most recent one is still there after all this time, at the corner of Harvard Street, and it was only sold out of the family this year. The Gange name is still on the door.

Adolfo Gange did well as a businessman and he was very community- minded. He belonged to the Sons of Italy and to the Elks, the Knights of Pythias, and the Knights of Columbus.

He ran for alderman in Medford in 1926, but lost to a field of Yankees and Irish who, according to Anthony D’Antonio, “were not ready for him.” He was probably the first Italian-American to challenge the status quo and make a strong statement about Italians having a role in the governing the city of Medford.

“My grandfather saw life as an adventure,” says Anita. “He was very engaging. He was wonderful as a father and a grandfather because he had so much spirit and it was always fun to be with him. Life was never dull. Whenever a new bridge was built and my grandfather heard that it was finished, he would take his children in the car and they would be the first ones to cross over it.”

That story seems almost too perfect as a metaphor for the life of Adolfo Gange. Like his father he was always ready to be the first to cross the bridge. And he brought his family!

This is the first story in the Medford- Italian American oral history project. We will be bringing you other stories from the D’Antonio family as well as stories from other Italian-American families.